San Antonio Psychiatry

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    Contacting Dr. Milmo or Dr. Chatrath does not establish a professional physician-patient relationship. If you are or believe you are experiencing a medical or psychiatric emergency, including suicidal or homicidal thinking, side effects to medication, or any other urgent or time-sensitive matter in which you need an immediate response, do not use this service. Instead call 911, 988, or go to your closest emergency department.
    About Us
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    Welcome to wiseMIND

    San Antonio’s Top Psychiatrists: Your Path to Wellness Begins Here

    At wiseMIND, we are dedicated to providing top-tier psychiatry services to San Antonio. Our team, led by founders Dr. Brandi Milmo and Dr. Ami Chatrath, consists of seasoned psychiatrists and mental health professionals dedicated to providing personalized care that addresses the unique needs of every individual, including executives, working professionals, and their families. Our mission is to offer patient-centered, evidence-based, and comprehensive psychiatric services to the San Antonio and Texas communities, inspiring resilience and meaningful progress on the journey toward mental wellness for all our clients.

    The content of this website is for informational purposes only and not intended as a substitute for professional medical services (such as diagnosis and treatment) or medical advice. Contacting Dr. Milmo or Dr. Chatrath does not establish a professional physician-patient relationship. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911 immediately or go to the nearest emergency department. Please do not wait for Dr. Milmo or Dr. Chatrath to return a message before taking appropriate action for emergencies.

    Comprehensive Psychiatric Care Tailored for You

    In the city of San Antonio, we understand the importance of accessible and effective mental health care. Our approach combines the latest in mental research with compassionate, patient-centered practices. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges, our psychiatrists are here to support you.

    Accepting new patients! In Person & Telehealth Services

    We see patients in our Brackenridge Park office and also via telemedicine.

    Request an appointment or call us today for more information about how you can find wellness with us in-person and online.

    Why choose wiseMIND?

    At wiseMIND, we offer something unique in San Antonio's psychiatric landscape. Here, you'll directly work with a psychiatrist, a rare opportunity compared to typical health plan experiences. We understand the urgency of mental health support, so we ensure you're seen quickly, bypassing the month-long waitlists common with other providers. Our extended follow-up sessions are designed to thoroughly address and resolve your most pressing mental health concerns.

    Moreover, we recognize the importance of managing the financial aspects of professional mental health care. That's why every patient at wiseMIND receives a “superbill” of our rates, which can be submitted to your health plan for potential reimbursement. This approach reflects our commitment to making psychiatric care more accessible and stress-free for our patients in San Antonio. Choose wiseMIND for a direct, responsive, and deeply caring psychiatric experience.